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Transaction Webhooks allow you to receive real-time HTTP notifications of events relating to transactions initiated through your API Key. In this case, you'll be notified when a transaction has been created and when the status of the transaction has changed.

It is essential to subscribe to the Transaction Webhooks, as it is NOAH's method to notify you of an updates in status, you may need to action processes within your application to credit or debit the accounts involved in a given transaction.

Transaction Webhooks

Whilst we are in beta mode, please contact our Onboarding Team to setup your Transaction Webhooks.

1. Navigate to Configuration

First, log in to your dashboard with your NOAH Business Account and navigate to the Configuration page and click the Webhooks tab. Here you can create a new webhook subscription via the User Interface.

2. Configure Webhook Subscription

In the UI, you will be prompted to enter the following details for the webhook:

  • URL: This is the endpoint where you want to receive webhook notifications.
  • EventTypes: A list of event types you want to subscribe to. Currently, our system supports the 'Transaction' event type.

3. Confirmation and Receiving Notifications

Once set up, your system will receive a notification at the specified URL for every transaction status update. These notifications contain detailed information about the event, allowing your system to respond appropriately and in real-time.

Ensure that it's functioning correctly by triggering a transaction in the system. The webhook includes the version and occurrance time of the event to allow you to process the latest version of the event.

4. Secure Your Endpoint

Verify the webhook signature:

  • The signature is included in the Webhook-Signature header.
  • Request body is signed using ECDSA algorithm with SHA384.
  • Verify the signature with the key corresponding to the environment:

Sandbox webhook public key:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Production webhook public key:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

5. Webhook Acknowledgment and Retries

  • Acknowledgment Required: Ensure your endpoint responds with a 200 status to acknowledge the receipt of webhook notifications.
  • Retry Mechanism: If a notification fails to deliver, NOAH will retry up to 5 times with increasing intervals between each attempt.

Important Notes

  • Ensure your endpoint is secured and can handle incoming HTTP requests.
  • Always test your webhook to confirm it's receiving and handling data as expected.
  • Monitor your endpoint for uptime and reliability.